An Open platform which facilitates intellectual analyses of the evolving political economy and how this impacts the everyday life of citizens.


Building of ongoing intellectual critiques and ideas by people, institutions focused on influencing the public policy processes in Zimbabwe


Generation of serious ideas that can contribute to extricating Zimbabwe from what has been called Sub-Saharan Africa's 'development impasse'


Focused on influencing the public policy processes in Zimbabwe by presenting policy alternatives and different thinking frameworks

We Believe In

Economy, Politics, State and Ideology: The Re-Configured Political Economy

In our view there are five important processes, amongst others, that have converged and have had a particular and distinctive impact on Zimbabwe’s post 2000 political economy.


The intellectual agenda and the debates facilitated through Gravitas will be placed within that changed political economy with a focus on building intellectual intercourses which influence public policy processes in Zimbabwe with a key to deepening a democratic politics which is relevant to people’s daily lives.

Tamuka Chirimambowa
Founder and co-editor of Gravitas Journal
Taurai Chatindo
Head Researcher with IPAZ and contributing member and editor of Gravitas Journal
Tinashe Chimedza
Associate Director - IPAZ and co-editor of Gravitas journal
Terrence Chitapi
Researcher and co-editor of Gravitas journal